- Be a Colorado Springs Utilities customer.
- Have a past due balance.
- Experience an emergency situation.
- Between Nov. 1 and April 30, all eligible customers must apply for Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) assistance. If you qualify for LEAP assistance, you must be approved before requesting additional assistance from Project COPE. If LEAP assistance is no longer available, or you do not qualify for LEAP, you may apply for Project COPE assistance.
- Meet with one of our partner agencies.
Eligible customers may receive Project COPE once every 12 months.
For a referral to a Project COPE agency, call Pikes Peak United Way 2-1-1. We encourage you to call prior to visiting. Most agencies do not accept walk-ins.
Address: 917 E. Moreno
Web: ccharitiescc.org
Phone: (719) 578-1222
Email: EmergencyServices@CCharitiesCC.org
Note: Home Front Military Network only serves active-duty service members, reservists and veterans.
Address: 1120 N. Circle Dr., Suite 230
Web: homefrontmilitarynetwork.org
Phone: (719) 577-7417
Address: 4360 Montebello Dr. #300
Web: mercysgatecs.org
Phone: (719) 277-7470
Email: info@mercysgatecs.org
Address: 518 North Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Website: ppunitedway.org
Phone: (719) 632-1543
Email: engage@ppunitedway.org
If you are having difficulty paying your bill, we may be able to help. Click here to view our customer assistance options.